Primary school-aged students across the country are set to learn about Australia’s farming and agriculture industries in a new Kids to Farms program that has just received $4.75m in funding.
This funding will see the educational program run for three years, concluding on the 30th of June 2022.
It will help participating children gain a better understanding of where their meat, fruit and vegetables come from and the important role the agriculture industry plays in keeping Australia healthy and economically strong.
Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud said that the program was an exciting opportunity to connect children with farms and provide them with tangible knowledge and practical experience into how their food goes from paddock to plate.
Littleproud said that “we want to give our kids a greater understanding of the important role Australia’s thriving agriculture sector plays in our society and these immersive, real-life experiences on-farm is sure to spark a life-long love of the land”.
An essential part of the program will be to showcase the breadth and depth of agriculture-based careers across the country.
According to Littleproud, “the kids of today will be the farmers, agri-scientists, livestock agents, biosecurity officers - even ag ministers - of tomorrow”.
“Australia’s farming sectors will lead our recovery out of COVID-19 and there has never been a better time for young Australians to study and pursue a career in agriculture”.
A variety of established farming bodies across Australia will also receive grants to sponsor government, religious and independent primary school visits to farms and agriculture production worksites to learn about land stewardship, sustainability practices and agriculture production.
These include The Northern Territory Farmers Association, The Western Australian Farmers Federation, AgForce Queensland Farmers, The Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, NSW Farmers Association, Victorian Farmers Federation and Primary Producers SA.
The very first Kids to Farms educational lessons are due to commence later in the 2020 school year.