Soil Health

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Soil Health
By Elizabeth Gracie May 22, 2020
A recent study completed by The Grains Research and Development Cooperations (GRDC) has found that farm machinery can cause yield-limiting soil compaction across the Low Rainfall Zone (LRZ) of South Eastern Australia.
By Website Editor November 13, 2018
We recently spoke to Major-General Michael Jeffery, former Governor General and now Australia’s National Advocate for Soil Health as well as the Patron of The Australian Farmer project. With much of eastern Australia experiencing severe drought conditions, General Jeffery expresses his concern for various agricultural practices currently used by farmers nationwide.
By Website Editor September 18, 2018
NutriSoil is a company with a unique story – a farm chemical accident for Victorian farmer Graham Maddock in the mid-1980s triggered a rethink on chemical and fertiliser applications and set in motion the establishment of what is now a thriving all-natural fertiliser company.
By Website Editor May 7, 2018
Major-General Michael Jeffery, the former Governor General and also the patron of The Australian Farmer project, has released his third report as Australia’s National Advocate for Soil Health.
By Website Editor March 28, 2018
Australian Soils Advocate Major-General Michael Jeffery (also the patron of our projects Boundless Plains to Share and The Australian Farmer) has released his third report into Australia’s soil health.
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