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AgriFutures Australia is hosting the next Farmers2Founders ’ (F2F) workshop in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, to connect primary producers to global innovation and technology experts.
The free workshop will take place on Tuesday July 23, 2019 and is part of a series of national workshops linking producers to trends in food, agriculture and technology.
will also connect them with examples and tools to solve real industry issues,
capitalise on and commercialise new technologies and bring novel, high-value
products to the market.
AgriFutures Australia Senior Manager for Business Development Jennifer Medway says the Wagga Wagga workshop will help producers develop entrepreneurial and technological skills by accessing tools, resources and high-performance coaching and support.
“Producers are great innovators,” Ms Medway says. “They are constantly innovating on-farm and often their ideas have potential beyond their farm-gate but they may not have the means, experience or connections to develop their ideas further.”
The workshops will help producers develop skills to benefit their respective industries and enable them to participate directly in bringing new agtech, foodtech, and food ventures to market with a platform primed for global exposure.
“With Agriculture predicted to become Australia’s next $100bn industry by 2030 we want to ensure producers, particularly AgriFutures Australia’s levied industries, play a key role,” Ms Medway says.
For more information on the upcoming workshops click here.
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